Get ready to make your fiction novel come to life!

Send in a sample for editing today!

Building on years of experience, I have the tools you need to finally make your writing dreams come true.


My Services

  • Detailed Beta Read

    This is for the author whose work has been polished before. I will go through and look for any last changes that need to be made.

    This is $25 per 10k words.

  • Developmental Edit

    This is the nuts and bolts of what I do. I’ll go through and find ways to make your novel what it’s meant to be. This Includes making your characters dynamic, the story engaging, and the world rich and authentic.

    This is $75 per 10k words.

  • Line/Copy Editing

    This is where you’re most concerned with the style and grammar of your novel. I’ll go through and make sure that is all polished. This is the most intense form of editing as it goes through each word to make sure it all flows.

    This is $0.02 per word.

Juliette is incredibly detailed in her report. You will definitely be getting your money's worth, plus added value. Her report is actually one of the most meticulous that I have received compared to other beta readers, filled with very good advice.

– badpandashop